These are the mnemonics I've come across as a volunteer firefighter. If you know of a variation, or one I haven't posted here, please email me.

2012-12-03: Did I really forget RECEO?! That's the most basic firefighting mnemonic there is!

These are the mnemonics I have:

On arrival: IEAT, TRIPOD

On scene: RECEO

Mayday calls: LUNAR

  • IEAT & TRIPOD are part of ITAC and are copyrighted by IMS Alliance.
  • These are the phases of incident command.
  • Initiate - by the first unit on scene.
  • Establish - a formal command post and structure.
  • Assume - take over IC from a previous commander.
  • Terminate - end formal command of the incident.
  • The six different possible primary phases of a fire response.
  • Transitional - making an offensive attack from a defensive position.
  • Rescue - entering to retrive known victims.
  • Investigating - verifying the nature of the emergency.
  • Preparing - putting a plan and resources in place while waiting for additional personnel, eg. waiting to fill two-in, two-out.
  • Offensive - performing an interior attack.
  • Defensive - firefighting from outside the building or collapse zone.

  • Aside from the last two, these are the priorities at a fire scene, in order. Ventilation and Salvage fit in as time and personnel allow.

  • Rescue - Get known victims out!
  • Exposures - Don't let it spread, part 1.
  • Confine - Don't let it spread, part 2.
  • Extinguish - Put it out.
  • Overhaul - Eliminate hot spots and rekindle risk.
  • Ventilate - Get the smoke out.
  • Salvage - Preserve property from fire, smoke, or water damage.

  • These are the elements of a Mayday call.
  • First, call "Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!" Then, report these points of information:
  • Location - Where are you?
  • Unit - What unit are you with?
  • Name - What is your name? (usually last name)
  • Air - How much do you have left?
  • Reason/Reaction - what happened, and what are you doing about it?